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Shop Rules

There seem to be some questions over some member’s monitoring/shop use status. In an attempt to clear this up, the current shop procedures are not very different from the old shop. The orange dot on your badge was fine for the old shop but does not exempt anyone from learning the nuances and requirements for the new facility.
Shop safety/monitor training has always been required prior to use of the club facilities. This is still the case especially since the new shop brings more capabilities and opportunities for injury or death if the equipment is used incorrectly.
The cadre of trainers will be limited to ensure that everyone receives consistent and thorough training.  In other words, you may not be cleared by any other monitor as had been the practice at the old shop.
It really doesn’t matter how many decades you have worked in or around automotive shops, you may not be exempted from this training. Everyone from the first charter member to the newest enrollee who wishes to utilize the shop facility is required to participate in the training. 
The safety, training and monitoring procedures are live and changing documents. Where the procedures currently are is miles better than when the club started. Specialized equipment which can either cause injury or be damaged by incorrect usage requires more in-depth training. 
Patience is a necessary attribute so please listen and ask questions when needed. There is always something to be learned. If you have a lot of experience with any specific equipment and you have constructive input which may make its operation safer or more efficient, please discuss this with (our shop supervisor team) Thom Kron, Ed Gordon, Don Puetz or Kevin Cole outside of the training session.
Regardless how large or small your project may be, a “Request for Work Space” form must be completed. 
Anything which will take longer than four to eight hours is considered long term and will require prior approval by the shop supervisor team. This approval will hinge on a number of issues besides other projects already in progress. 

  1. Do you possess the skills to do the project? 

  2. Do you or the club have the necessary tools for the project? 

  3. Will you be able to work on the project at least three times a week until complete? 

If unable to be in every day, the project must be mobile so it can be moved out of the way for others to use the space. 
Electric or hybrid vehicles may not be left in the shop overnight. 
You may not bring in a project and have it sitting for days or weeks without progress. Health issues may cause delays but rather than just not showing up, please call the shop and let them know what is going on. 
You also may not bring things from home to place in the dumpster. It is not our dumpster. It is RCSC’s dumpster. We have gotten in trouble for this happening at the old shop and this is why it is locked at the new facility. 
The VVSC shop is Not a storage/parking area. 
Thank you for your help and cooperation on this.
Les Litzenberger, Past President
Vintage Vehicles of Sun City

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