

Classic Car Database This is the most extensive database of specifications for American automobiles (antique, classic, vintage and muscle cars) manufactured between 1910 and 1975.

Car Complaints  An online automotive complaint resource that uses graphs to show automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by visitors to the site

Engineering Explained  What is The Best Fuel Injection? Carburetors vs Port vs Direct.

C.A.R.S. CLUB OF SUN CITIES, INC.  This active car club was formed in 1982 to serve the needs of car buffs in the Sun Cities and surrounding area.  They are more restrictive on the cars they accept into the club.

VINTAGE CHEVROLET CLUB  A fun website for Chevy lovers.  Be sure to check out the jukebox under the Fun Stuff link.

MODEL T FORD CLUB  Got a tin Lizzy?  This is the site for you.

MARTIN AUTO MUSEUM  The website of our local car museum.

JAZZ for music lovers.

OLSON’S GASKETS  This is a website for anyone looking for hard to find gaskets for their vehicle

HOSE ADVANTAGE STORE  This website makes all kinds of hoses

Evans waterless coolant video

Evans waterless coolant revisited

Evans waterless coolant homepage

Evapo Rust video

Thermocure video

A History of Classic Cars for Kids(even the 55+ ones)

Holiday Ride Link

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